Sunday, January 9, 2011

PROS WAR – Can FaceBook beat Google

Google and Facebook are one of the top most used sites these days on the internet world. A normal internet user have no interest in this regard, but as a webmaster we are always curious that can Facebook beat Google as its growing very fast.
Can Facebook beat Google
Facebook is basically a social network which keep changing their features time by time, and people usually stay more on social networks as compare to a Search Engine (Google).
Where as Google is Search Engine Platform, which is #1 used site in the world, people use to find the things of their interest, still Google is on the top and used by more people then FaceBook icon razz
But this war is going on and don’t know who will win. Another thing we need to think that many normal user have Google as their home page, but on other hand FaceBook is home page of very rare people.
Another point: Google is open source search engine, on which you don’t need to sign up, you just have to type and hit enter to use Google, where as FaceBook need sign to use it, like you need to signup to make friends, send messages or to use any other feature of FaceBook , its must to signup.
When I went to streets and colleges I heard many people saying Google it, means Google is very common is use, also as Google is helpful in finding useful information so teachers and parents always recommend to use, where as FaceBook is social network teacher and parent may not be happy if their children use it.
I would just simply like to say that Google is still #1 because its more informative and useful, as we are webmasters also we should love Google more because of their interesting features like Google AdSense, WebMaster Tools etc.
But, I would still like to hear from you people, that what you guys think about it? Just share your thoughts in comment box below.

Can Your Business Benefit From a Learning Management System?

Put quite simply, nearly everyone can recognize that any business can benefit from a learning management system. Skeptics of course will say that their company is unique, and that their internal processes are just fine. They will often rely on the “my company is fine like it is” argument.
Business Learning Management System Benefit
Okay, I can see where they are coming from. They think that implementing a learning management system is expensive. They will add that the implementation will be met with resistance from their employees. They will finally counter that all of their training records, accreditations, compliance records, and employee training records are handled easily by their human resources department.
Let them take a few hours to request records from the HR department, and then spend time with HR staff seeing the level of effort it takes to pull the requested data. This exercise will show that the manual processes of document storage, data retrieval, and report preparation is labor intensive, quite costly, and full of the potential for error.
Let’s highlight some areas where a properly implemented learning management system will quickly cost justify itself.
Of course the most obvious area where your company can start noticing benefits is just the central repository of training records. Need to know which of your employees have not taken the latest sexual harassment training? With a learning management system you can quickly identify your training short comings and rectify the problem. Your learning management system allows you to drill down to the level of training details you need with little effort.
An area of particular interest to me is the scheduling of training. It can take weeks, even months, for some companies to effectively schedule training for staff that may cross several locations, working on different schedules and with varying deadlines. With an effective learning management system, you can easily schedule training for these employees.  There is no need to have everyone get together at the same time in the same conference room for training, when you can provide an e-learning and e-training based solution. You can ensure that all of your employees get their training at convenient times for their workload.
Another area that is often missed by manual learning management is needs based training.  Many companies require employees to follow specific training paths to ensure a prosperous career path. A learning management system will enable the employee, their manager, and the human resources department to track training based career growth proactively as opposed to reactively when an employee questions why they are not being promoted as they thought.
There are obviously many more benefits of a learning management system.  Each organization will have their own specific needs that can be met in addition to the benefits listed above. The key to recognizing these benefits is identifying company needs and matching them with the learning management system that most closely addresses these needs.

SEO: Tell Me WHAT TO DO, Not What’s Available

Have you been reading SEO blogs recently? I’ve been a regular reader of some of the world’s most popular blogs onsearch engine optimization. Not only blogs, but e-books, courses, you name it. And they all all do one mistake I really, REALLY hate:
Nobody gives you an action plan. You have a bunch of posts/advice on SEO tools, for example, reasons why those tools are useful and so on. But what about some help on how to implement them in your every day business? Nobody gives you that.
SEO folks also don’t realize that some of the advice and tools they give are not really easy to implement. Of course, this is not the case in all industries. Take people search engines and the people search industry, you just type a name/location and view the results, not much thinking. Simple, right? Wish it was that simple in SEO icon smile


Rand, one of the co-founders of SEOMoz, recently wrote an EXCELLENT post on ranking signals hiding beyond the surface. This is the reason I love SEOMoz, they’re always on the cutting age of things. This post (like most Rand’s posts) made A LOT of sense. He gave a lot of suggestions you could implement on your own like:
  • Get no-follow links from trusted sources
  • Get mentions of your domain/brand name on places you can’t get the link. It’s probably not worthless to do this
But how many people went and actually got those suggestions and implemented them in their to-do plans? Probably less than 3%.

Implementation Intentions

There’s a well-known concept in the study of procrastination called “implementation intentions”. This concept basically claims that certain things happen in the time between youdecide to do something and actually DOING that thing.
Example: I’ve decided to write this post. But this isn’t enough for me to actually start and finish writing it. What I need to do is to plan how am I going to IMPLEMENT my decision. The concept of implementation intentions (based on many studies) says that you are most likely to do a task when you decide when, where and how you are going to do it.
For example, let’s say your intention is: Get #1 for ‘seo tools’. Based on this intention only, you aren’t very likely to follow up on your goal. Instead, start by setting up implementation intentions. ‘ I’m gonna rank for x term’ does not guarantee you are actually going to START doing that. Anyway, back to our example:
When are you going to start ranking? Set up an exact time and date when you are going to do this task. For example, I am going to build links to rank #1 for ‘seo tools’, every Mon-Fri from 9 till 10 AM (working 45-90 minute periods and then taking a short break of 15-30 minutes is great).
Where are you going to do the process of ranking for your keyword? By ‘where’ I don’t mean on what location (your computer). I also mean defining what programs you’re going to use, dedicating yourself to not multitasking and so on.
HOW? This is probably the most important question. ‘Ranking for ‘seo tools” is a VAGUE GOAL. Leaving 5 comments, building 3 forum profiles per day and making 5 guest posts per day is specific. Of course, this is just an example, I can’t guarantee you’ll be #1 for a keyword by leaving comments and building profiles icon smile ))
If this didn’t make much sense to you, feel free to read this Wikipedia entry on implementation intentions.

Action Plan

Wouldn’t this post be ironic if I didn’t give you an action plan? icon smile
a) Choose one goal in your SEO plan and apply implementation intentions. Choose how, where and when you are going to do that goal. Specific works and produces action. Vague stuff makes you think, and thinking is NOT acting.
b) To make it public, share your goal in the comments below!
Good luck!